Introducing the E4D System – Modern Dentistry that Fits Your Lifestyle – – With the E4D System, instead of using traditionally inconvenient and messy impression materials, we can obtain clean, fast digital impressions in a few minutes using a laser scanner. This laser scanning technology is not only extremely precise when “capturing” all of the details of a patient’s smile, but is also as safe as the check-out scanner at a grocery store. But, best of all, there is no need for a patient to hold unpleasant, possibly distasteful material in his or her mouth.
Then, while you watch, we custom-design a crown, veneer, or filling perfectly suited for the patient using the chair side computer-based design center. From there, the information about the restoration is transferred to the in-office milling unit, where your crown, veneer, or filling is made. Shortly thereafter, it’s permanently placed in your mouth.
Benefits of Same Day Dentistry
With modern, state-of-the-art technology, patients don’t need to suffer through traditional impressions. They don’t need temporaries. And they don’t need to wait days – or more likely weeks – for their permanent restorations. That also means that they won’t have to be inconvenienced with the back-and-forth typically associated with crowns, veneers, and some types of fillings.
Rather, if same-day dentistry is right for you … you can be in and out of our office with your permanent, natural-looking, and metal-free restorations in a single visit. Same-day restorations are perfect for situations like chipped, worn, or cracked teeth; teeth that are discolored or have gaps and spaces between them; teeth that have decay; and/or old, worn fillings.